Don't gamble with your financial future. If your facing foreclosure you need to consult with a Realtor who is a Certified Distressed Property Expert. By selecting an agent who has earned the Certified Distressed Property Expert Designation, (CDPE) homeowners ensure that they are working with a real estate professional that is equipped to handle their specific needs.
Many Realtors shy away from and are unfamiliar with the Short Sale process because of the time they take, the difficulties associated with these transactions and the constantly changing guidelines. Realtors are now being forced to learn these transactions because they are a hugh part of the current Real Estate market. Unfortunately most Realtors are behind the power curve when it comes to negotiating with loss mitigators.
Its critical to utilize a Realtor who understands this process and will develop a strategy that will resolve your situation.
Here's how my wife and I have helped a client:
This client contacted us on 11-25-08 in crisis. Our consultation revealed their financial hardship caused them to receive both the NOD&NOTS with a sale date of Dec 3, 2008. (click here for explanation of these terms and the foreclosure process http://www.slideshare.net/gricco) Jennifer and I were able to postpone the Notice of Trustee Sale, show the client why a loan modification was not financially right for them and why a short sale was the best route to take to lessen their loss severity.
This client contacted us on 11-25-08 in crisis. Our consultation revealed their financial hardship caused them to receive both the NOD&NOTS with a sale date of Dec 3, 2008. (click here for explanation of these terms and the foreclosure process http://www.slideshare.net/gricco) Jennifer and I were able to postpone the Notice of Trustee Sale, show the client why a loan modification was not financially right for them and why a short sale was the best route to take to lessen their loss severity.
This Short Sale Proposal is currently still being negotiated and this client has been living in his home without paying the mortgage, which gives them the opportunity to reduce other debt. Some may be wonder if his credit is being affected and the answer is yes, however it was affected already because of the number of missed mortgage payments. This client benefitted from our expertise, by not having his home sold at the Trustee's Sale, utlizing his income to pay other debt and will ultmately avoid a foreclosure with a succesful Short Sale.
Should you have any questions on the Loan Modification or Short Sale process, Jennifer and I don't charge our clients upfront fees. On our first consultation we will review & evaluate your financial situation. At that point we will know and explain what options are available to you. You will be guided and educated throughout the process.
Each financial situation is unique, If your facing foreclosure or interested in buying or selling in Santa Clarita, we'd like the opportunity to earn your confidence and business. Please view our website at http://www.riccosellshomes.com/ to learn more about us. You can also login into http://www.santaclaritavalleyhomesforsale.listingbook.com/ to monitor the value of your property with a Daily Market Analysis or search for homes. You can Contact Jennifer & Gary Ricco at Keller Williams VIP Properties. Office # 661.290.3837