Some of you may remember who are not from Stevenson Ranch that this tree made history it had inspired tree sitters and activists to rally behind her. The tree sitters and activists were concerned that this tree which is aged 400+ years old would not survive the move. Old Glory had world press coverage back on January 20, 2004 for being the world's largest transplanted tree documented by The Guiness World Records. This tree was adopted by the local Boy Scout Troop as it's symbol and I am happy to report that to this day the tree is alive and thriving.
Let me introduce you to Stevenson Ranch Boy Scout Troop 499
There lives a great big tree... She belongs to you and me! "Old Glory" is her name, and she's gained a lot of fame... A magnificent Valley Oak, deep-rooted in a canyon of Stevenson Ranch, where she has thrived for over 400 years! During the cold of winter, this mighty oak tree is dormant, storing up tremendous energy. As spring approaches and the weather begins to warm, the first signs of life begin to appear. Her fresh new cloak of green leaves burst out almost overnight and is a sight to behold! Enhanced by the majestic blue skies above, these images fill us with inspiration and the desire to explore nature's boundless beauty filled with limitless adventures. These oak trees were also vital in sustaining the lives of the Indigenous Peoples of this valley, not only with food from its acorns, but with a jet black pigment as well, produced by having the bark boiled and mixed with the iron oxides of the soil to be used in tattooing, coloring of baskets, fish nets, and hides. We're 499 the Boy Scout Troop, and she's the symbol of our group! Way-o Way-o! The vision which led to the formation of "Old Glory" Troop 499 was inspired by the need for a local Boy Scout program where the emphasis is on outdoor experiences and time-honored traditions; a Troop for the boys of Cub Pack 499, and the youth of our community. On November 14, 2004, the founders, Jim Chikato and Nina Rettke, held the Inaugural Ceremony and Celebration beneath the boughs of "Old Glory", unveiling the vision, and acknowledging the willingness of the newly formed Troop 499 Committee and Leadership to promote and enhance the Boy Scouts of America program of this newly formed unit. We wear three colors, and each represents something special to us; defining our spirit! The green of "Old Glory's" leaves is symbolic of bridging new Scouts into our Troop in early April. This is what sustains the life of our Troop! The skies of blue inspire us, promoting inner peace and the desire to learn, to be understanding; guiding us along our path in life, a life based on values, good deeds, and honor. The black segment of our neckerchief anchors our Troop patch proudly displaying "Old Glory", the symbol of our Troop. She stands for determination, perseverance, and longevity; reminding us of our "deep-rooted" heritage!
My husband and I are original committee members for this Boy Scout Troop. I was the secretary, my husband was the Board of Review Coordinator, Assistant Scout Master, and a Patrol leader. From the beginning we have had the pleasure watching this troop grow and inspire young boys to become future leaders and innovators of this country. Since it's inception this troop has promoted 2 boys to the rank of Eagle Scout!
If you live in the Stevenson Ranch area and are looking for an activity for your son to get involved in I encourage you to look into Pack 499/Cub Scouts and Troop 499/ Boy Scouts for a life time of memorable exciting experiences! If you would like to visit their website go to: http://www.oldglorytroop499.com/.
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