If your a resident or work here in the Valley have you have noticed the banners across the paseo overwalks in Valencia or many bridges around Santa Clarita letting our great community know about our outstanding schools and students? If not here is the great news William S. Hart Union High School District receives highest overall API score in the state!!!
In API (Academic Performance Index) test results released this month by the California Department of Education, the William S. Hart Union High School District has received the top ranking in the state for union high school districts with 10,000 or more students. The Hart School District encompasses the majority of the junior high and senior high schools in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Vicki Engbrecht, assistant superintendent of instructional services said in an interview with The Signal, “Of course, we all realize that a good education is much more than high test scores. But the state’s API score does offer a simple number to help the public recognize ‘good’ schools. Every one of our schools qualifies under those criteria.”
The API is a single number, ranging from 200 to 1000, that reflects a school’s (or district’s) performance level based on statewide testing. The purpose of the API is to measure the academic performance and growth of schools. As parents, you’ve likely seen the STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting) and/or CAHSEE (California High School Exit Examination) test results in your mailbox, which are a part of this program. Areas tested are math, social science (history), science and English.
This among other great reasons is why people find the Santa Clarita Valley such a great place to live!
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