Are you going through a financial hardship? Did you know this can affect any kind of security clearance you may hold?
Are you experiencing a financial hardship? The first step you need to take if you hold a security clearance is speak with a supervisor immediately and let them know what is going on and ask for guidance. If you are in the military you need to speak with JAG or the legal component of your branch. If you are a in law enforcement or in a security related position confidentially speak to your command. If your home goes to foreclosure, back to the bank, security clearances and government positions including but not limited to military and law enforcement can be jeopardized by a foreclosure. In many cases a short sale will be the only way to maintain a security clearance. My husband and I are Certified Distressed Property Experts and can give you a confidential accessment of your situation. Please view our profiles to see who we are and how we can help you.
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